The redpoint Blog

A Safe & Fun Spring Break
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

A Safe & Fun Spring Break

The most important part about spring break is to enjoy yourself. Use the return of warm weather to do something that makes you happy. From the quiet comfort of your space to the adventures into the unknown, your hiatus from school awaits.

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Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

It’s the shortest month of the year. You know what that means! It’ll go by in the blink of an eye amidst a whirlwind of pink, red, flowers, and chocolates. That’s right, it’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is coming! Drugstores will be pushing tiny teddy bears and heart-shaped lollipops until March comes around and gives us those hopeful first glimpses of spring. For some, Valentine’s Day is a symbol of romance – a day they get to spend with their significant other and enjoy a nice dinner and bouquet of roses. For others, that doesn’t suit them – they’d rather spend the holiday giving love to their friends and family. The choice is yours, so let’s take a look at some options.

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Socializing in the Rainy Season
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

Socializing in the Rainy Season

In Washington, we are no strangers to cloudy and rainy days – it’s a defining characteristic of our state. The wet and gray Seattle days can make it easy to stay at home and isolate, but there are a lot of fun social activities to choose from. The bottom line is to get out there and explore. Try out whatever sounds interesting, and you’re bound to find something you like.

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A New Year Reset
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

A New Year Reset

As we approach 2023, you might be feeling like you need some support to have a successful reset. In honor of the New Year, we’re going to talk about how to have a successful reset but remember that Whitmire and redpoint can support you through a successful reset at any point throughout the year!

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Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire


As we say goodbye to the fall leaves that will soon be replaced with bare branches and enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie, many of us have thankfulness on our minds. Fun fact: research from multiple universities have found that practicing gratitude has positive impacts on both our physical and mental health! So, how do we reap these benefits?

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Reframing the Holidays
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

Reframing the Holidays

The holiday season is about sharing quality time with loved ones. Quite often this simple loving desire can be sidelined by the need to find the “perfect gift”, or pressure to spend time individually with every family member to avoid hurt feelings or to have “everything be perfect this holiday.” The holiday season often brings with it unwanted feelings of stress, triggers from past family relationship patterns, financial anxiety and even signs and symptoms of depression.

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Wellness In Potentially SAD Times
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

Wellness In Potentially SAD Times

Fall has officially been here for a few weeks now! While it’s nice to cozy up with a warm cup of cider or stroll through paths of colorful foliage, the often gloomy days can affect our mood. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually comes around in the fall and winter months. The Mayo Clinic notes that SAD often persists by “sapping your energy and making you feel moody.” According to the Mayo Clinic, fall and winter SAD may include oversleeping, appetite changes, weight gain, and tiredness or low energy. It’s important to note that SAD can also appear in the spring and summer and may include symptoms like trouble sleeping (insomnia), poor appetite, weight loss, agitation or anxiety, and increased irritability. Luckily, there are wellness practices that can help manage symptoms by taking care of your mind and body.

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Back to School Success
Adelaide Whitmire Adelaide Whitmire

Back to School Success

Going back to school often comes with a lot of nerves and excitement as we gear up to learn new materials and get back to socializing with our peers. Leaving the old school year behind, the beginning of a new one usually comes with fresh motivation to find that perfect school/social life balance and implement a productive routine. However, similar to New Year resolutions, New School Year resolutions can lose momentum. Luckily, there are ways to build a realistic routine that works for you!

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Getting Back to Business:  With Caution & Safety
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Getting Back to Business: With Caution & Safety

As the vaccine rollout continues, there’s a lot of confusion as to what we can do, when and where, and exactly how. Whether you’re thinking about returning in-person to work, school, a concert, bar or restaurant -- here are some things to keep in mind.

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Choosing a Gap Year
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Choosing a Gap Year

For many people, childhood fades away sometime between middle school and high school, when college placement becomes a top priority. Before you know it, high school leads into college and then perhaps grad school and then you enter the workforce where you might not get much more than a 2-week break (even that’s a rarity these days) before retirement. This is precisely why many people build a “gap year” into their long-term plans.

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11 Ways to Get Through the Holidays
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

11 Ways to Get Through the Holidays

While the holiday season is meant to be a time of joy and togetherness, we understand for some, this is not always the case. redpoint Seattle compiled a few of our favorite strategies to help you make it through this holiday season.

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Getting Proper Credit when Credit is Due
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Getting Proper Credit when Credit is Due

Way back when, if you walked in a store and didn’t have enough cash in your pocket to buy that new TV, you walked out empty handed. But then along came credit cards, and suddenly, everything was yours for the taking. The problem is, just as TVs have gotten bigger over the years, so has the nation’s credit card debt. Learning how to manage your credit wisely is one of the greatest financial fitness skills you can acquire.

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Communication Tips for Parents Struggling with Resistant Young Adults
Family Rebecca Whitmire Family Rebecca Whitmire

Communication Tips for Parents Struggling with Resistant Young Adults

Do you feel like all tough conversations with your young adult end in yelling and frustration? If so, you are certainly not alone. While resistance is biologically inevitable to some degree, the way that we initiate and engage in conversations with young adults can strongly affect your sanity today and the long-term the outcome of your relationship. Here are some tips to making your next discussion a little more constructive and little less of an argument.

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Making Cents of Your Monthly Budget, and Other Financial Fitness Tips
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Making Cents of Your Monthly Budget, and Other Financial Fitness Tips

Some say money makes the world go ‘round. Biggie sang “Mo Money, Mo Problems”, but most people would agree, its sure nice to have, especially when its flowing. Money helps us pay for all the things we want – including gear, gadgets, cars and vacations – plus all the things we need, like food, shelter and healthcare. Most of all, access to money means independence – being able to do what you want, when you want, and on your own terms.

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redpoint’s Guide to Moving Out and Moving Forward
Family Rebecca Whitmire Family Rebecca Whitmire

redpoint’s Guide to Moving Out and Moving Forward

The nest – it’s such a vivid metaphor that comes into play during transitional times in our lives. Pushing babies out of the nest – “empty nesting” parents – adult children “nesting” with potential life partners. But let's not forget, we’re humans with a wide range of human emotion. Along with the complexity of the human experience, a bit more comes into play when it's time for adult children to spread their wings and fly.

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Ten Myths About College
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Ten Myths About College

Starting college, whether it's close to home or far away, can be the adventure of a lifetime; but it’s not without its challenges. While every college experience is unique, the redpoint team would like to take on a few of the myths that you may have heard about before you set foot on campus. We’ll include some tips for navigating life during COVID-19 restrictions – and after life returns to a new normal.

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Getting the Most Mileage Out of your New Paycheck
Clients Rebecca Whitmire Clients Rebecca Whitmire

Getting the Most Mileage Out of your New Paycheck

You survived the strenuous process of finding a job and are now basking in the sweet victory of your first paycheck! Congratulations! Now comes the next challenge - managing your money so you can successfully pay your bills on time, have a little bit of fun, and save for a rainy day.

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